5 Important Facts About Radon

To be so noble, radon causes an awful lot of problems. You can’t see it, taste it or smell it, but the effects of radon gas can be far reaching. Radon is dangerous because it’s undetectable without testing and its presence is a health hazard. It might be all around you, and you’d never know…

Bidding Wars Make Reckless Buyers

When two or more people are vying for the same home, what’s the last thing that any party wants to do? That’s right, no one wants to fall behind in the bidding process and risk losing the house. An ordinary sale can turn into an outright tug-of-war where the winner takes all. Unfortunately, buyers sometimes…

Green Inspections Earn More Green for Your Wallet

As more homeowners want efficient homes with a lower environmental impact, the call for “green inspections” is expected to rise. More homeowners want to know about details such as the home’s energy score, plus its energy efficiency and water efficiency rating. This information, says Carol Dikelsky for ASHI Reporter, helps prospective buyers and existing homeowners…